Development of projects for automated
deformation monitoring
Automated deformation monitoring is the systematic measurement and tracking of changes in the position and geometric dimensions of an object. It is also an important component of risk management, carrying out preventive control. Monitoring allows us to anticipate and prevent disasters, minimise losses and avoid casualties.
Measurements are made continuously and the results are displayed on graphs, where we can see the fast and slow changes occurring to the object. The measurements are recorded and used for subsequent deviation calculations, deformation analyses, preventive maintenance and alarm generation.
For whom
For whom
Deformation monitoring results
Deformation monitoring results are presented in detailed reports that include graphs and maps. They help our clients understand the changes taking place in their infrastructure projects.
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Павел Жильцов
В 2003 г окончил Московский Энергетический Институт (Технический университет) по специальности «Бытовая радиоэлектронная аппаратура». В 2013 г. решением диссертационного совета при Национальном исследовательском университете «МЭИ» присуждена учёная степень кандидата технических наук. С 2008 г. работал в компании «ГЕКСАГОН ГЕОСИСТЕМС РУС» (бывш. «НАВГЕОКОМ») в должности руководителя отдела разработок, ведущего инженера по системам мониторинга.